Stop Waiting For Perfect

Most of the time, though, we don’t need to be perfect before we take our first step. In fact, waiting for perfect will often keep us from moving forward at all. I’m not advocating to throw all caution to the wind and go on a whim. I am advocating that imperfect action is vital to success.

Perspective Is Everything

I met some new friends. They were relics of a bygone era, with many stories and legends to share. I couldn’t get enough! It was fascinating to hear about life from their perspectives. And there was the learning for me: the need for deep listening in order to understand the perspective of others. In and of itself, this isn’t breaking news - we all know that people are different and it’s important to account for these differences. But sometimes it’s helpful to be intentional about these things.

Benefits Of Self-Awareness

Self awareness is a profound pursuit that, more than any other, brings us to a place of emotional maturity, improved relationships, and contentment in life. Self awareness is a giant step toward meeting our goals and seizing the joy we want from this life. 

What Drives You?

What drives you? Is your life built upon your basic motivations? Chances are, if you are unhappy, or struggling, or unfulfilled, it may be that you don’t have your work and life aligned around your guiding principles and motivations. The good news is: with a little bit of knowledge and work you can. 

Step Out Of the Boat: Leaving Your Comfort Zone

What power does ‘impossible’ hold over one who has overcome it? Who takes ‘no’ for an answer after walking on water? Who is defined by limits, and resources, and possibilities after getting out of the boat? Kinda makes you want to get out of the boat, doesn’t it? 

Work From Your Strengths

I have areas in which I excel. Not only do I do these things well, but when I work from these areas I have have passion, drive, and a real investment in the outcome. Arguably, working from my strengths would add much more value than bolstering skills in which I have little natural ability or passion.

Self-Awareness Is Your Superpower

Self awareness provides a springboard to success in our work and in our relationships. The self aware person will have many more strategies for understanding their loved ones, resolving conflicts, and building meaningful and lasting relationships.

5 Benefits Of Coaching

As we begin another year, I am sitting with the goals I have prepared for the year. This time around, they are different. Sure, I still make personal and professional goals, but after having experienced the benefits of coaching and taking training to be a coach, my goals are much more specific. I have yearly, monthly, and weekly goals. I have also set a goal to make new habits each day. In years past, this would have seemed way to heavy-handed for me. Now, not only does it feel invigorating, but doable. Throughout the year, I will consult with my coach to measure progress and tweak as necessary. At the end of the year I will accomplish quite a bit!

Do You Wonder?

That, my friends, is the essence of a coaching relationship - discovering new insights about yourself, the work you do, and the processes by which you navigate life. By working with a coach this past year, I have a better understanding of how to work from my strengths, how and who to ask for help when I need it, and have become more efficient in my thinking, organizing, and working. I feel empowered to wrestle with even greater things.

How To Make the World Better

There have been moments in my life when I have spent time with a friend and I walked away with the same troubles and struggles I had when I came, but I walked away so much better, because they saw me. They heard me. In that moment, I was blessed because they bore witness to my struggles. I left better than I came. 


A picture of Melissa with her head in her hands and the title: "The fiLLLed Life Blog."

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Hi, my name is Melissa Ebken, and I'm so glad you found your way here. 

Live a fiLLLed Life!

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