Blog How To Make the World Better

How To Make the World Better


“Then little children were being brought to him in order that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples spoke sternly to those who brought them; but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” And he laid his hands on them and went on his way.” -Matthew 19: 13-15
    Jesus blessed the children. This passage says nothing about healing lameness, casting out demons, giving sight to the blind, or raising them up to walk. It says nothing about the children receiving food, escaping difficult situations, or given needed shelter. Jesus did all of those things in his ministry - before he blessed these children and after - but in this instance, they needed him, and Jesus welcomed them and blessed them. 
    This isn’t told among the many miracles Jesus performed in his brief life, but in a way, it is so much more. The people Jesus fed would again hunger. The folks to which he gave sight would eventually close their weary eyes, the people who leaped up and walked would eventually succumb to weakened bones. Those he healed from sickness would ail again, and even those he raised from the dead would once more taste death. Miracles weren’t permanent. Miracles weren’t even about the ones who received them; miracles were about proclaiming the power and sovereignty of God. 
    Children in those days were invisible. They weren’t the only invisible ones, and today there are still far too many we would rather not see. They were people with hopes and dreams, grief and despair, empty bellies and futures, who went unseen; largely ignored by the population at large. But that day, they were seen. Not only were they seen, but they were blessed. There have been moments in my life when I have spent time with a friend and I walked away with the same troubles and struggles I had when I came, but I walked away so much better, because they saw me. They heard me. In that moment, I was blessed because they bore witness to my struggles. I left better than I came. 
    We don’t always need someone to fix us, or to take care of us, or advise us. Sometimes all we need is for someone to listen deeply to us, ask us questions that invite us to think more deeply, and affirm us as we move forward. That’s what coaching is all about! You are the expert on your life - as a coach, we are here to listen and ask questions to help you move forward towards the goals you have in your life.
    Coaching is different from counseling, which asks you to look to the past to better understand the present, or from mentoring, which seeks to pass along wisdom and expertise. A coach asks questions that invite you to think more deeply and broadly for the sake of reaching goals you set. A coach helps you to see how you work best, and how to leverage those skills. We are here to help - and you will leave better than you came!

Your Partner In Spiritual Health,


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