Declutter Your Spirit

Often, things pile up and sit around and before long, begin to weigh on me. Taking the time to go through it all, see everything before me, and clear out what I don’t need and prioritize and organize what I do need provides a much-needed breath of fresh air!

Bloom Where You're Planted

Life, like rollercoasters, has a lot of twists and unseen turns. Sometimes you’re completely upside down! And of course, there are those anxious filled times of slowly proceeding one click at a time, waiting and working, anticipating the good times. Not all of life is fun; some is hard. Some chapters in life serve to prepare you for what is next. 

Discipline Trumps Motivation

I realized that this was a great metaphor for life. So many times we start off great, but get derailed by a change in circumstances.

How Do You Deal With Change?

    We make decisions from the moment we wake up in the morning until we go to bed in the evening. Many are small; what to eat, what to wear, which route to take to work, etc. Other decisions, though, take some time and consideration, especially those that lead to lasting change.    When we talk about lasting change, altering our behaviors in a way that will bring about different results in our lives, we might feel a bit of anxiety. Change isn’t easy, especially when ...

Is Coaching For Me?

A coach is that person who asks the right questions at the right time in order for YOU to find the answers you need within YOURSELF. I’m a firm believer in the thought that we generally know the answers we seek, we just might need help bringing them forward and putting them into practice.

Super Bowl LV Edition

Tom Brady's willingness to be coached, to take in what he was taught, and the courage to take those lessons learned to a place where he would have to replicate it all on his own, sets him apart. Tom Brady rose to hero status with his win in Super Bowl LV. The best part of his story, is that he is an average guy who listened, integrated what he learned, and had the courage to strike out into the new and unknown betting on himself to succeed. This quality brought the 199th pick in the sixth round of the 2000 draft to the heights of success.

Thoughts on COVID-19, Pandemic, and How We Can Move Beyond Being Angry All the Time

The mindset that has brought us this far is to be commended for getting us to this day. But today’s mindset isn’t going to see us through to a better tomorrow. Make the time and effort to understand someone whose views are different from yours. Be humble and open to learning and growing. We need each other and our differences to propel us forward in life. COVID isn’t the only threat we face. Heart disease, cancer, depression, unhealthy relationships with food, lack of physical activity, isolation, anger, lack of forgiveness, powers, and principalities, and so many other things are genuine threats to our well-being. Let’s encourage one another in our journeys, not make them more difficult. 


A picture of Melissa with her head in her hands and the title: "The fiLLLed Life Blog."

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Hi, my name is Melissa Ebken, and I'm so glad you found your way here. 

Live a fiLLLed Life!

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