Blog How To Stay Focused On What Matters Most

How To Stay Focused On What Matters Most


    Recently, we watched the final  Xfinity race of the year. This race would detemine the champion. Our guy was one of the four racing for the championship. It was a fun race. All throughout, our guy had a fast car. Whenever there was a restart after a caution, he would shoot out to the front and for about twenty laps, his car would stay out front. After that, it would tighten up on him and others would challenge for the lead, and take it.
    In the final stretch of the race, some deisions had to be made: would the race stay under a green flag, or would there be a late caution? Should our guy put all his chips on a late caution? There are s lot of factors that go into that sort of decision. Our guy chose to play for the late caution. Sure enough, the caution came out, He was not in the lead, but as others decided to take a pit stop for new tires, he was out front. This is where he wanted to be: out in front with only two laps when the race restarted. Our guy, though, was thinking about where the other three were after their pit stops. Were they far back? How many cars were between them? He asked his crew chief these questions over the radio. The crew chief's response was: it doesn't matter. 
    It doesn't matter. Probably not the answer he was seeking, but what he needed, nonetheless. He was reminded that he had to run the race in front of him. He had to focus on what he could control. All else was distraction.
    We need this reminder, too. Run the race in front of you. Take action on what you can control. To build something of value requires that we take action, and stay in action. It's so easy to get distracted. It's helpful to have an accountability partner. A coach is a valuable asset, whether you are seeking to build a business or build yourself. Let's connect and get you focused on the race in front of you.

Your Partner In Spiritual Health,


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