Blog Free Yourself From Negative Thoughts

Free Yourself From Negative Thoughts


   Today is July 4th and in the United States, we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on this day. There's something so powerful in making a declaration. When you stand up, whether individually or as a group, and declare before God and the world, that this is who you are, this is who you will be - there's a lot of power in that. As a group of people, we became the country that we call the United States of America, and it began with that bold declaration back in 1776.

   We make declarations about ourselves in our lives to in big ways, and in small ways. If we get married, we stand together, and we make a bold declaration about moving through life together with this other person. When we are baptized, or if you were baptized as an infant and get confirmed later, you make a bold declaration about how you're going to live your life. You say before God and witnesses that you are going to live your life in pursuit of a relationship with God known to you in Jesus Christ. That relationship will be a formative principle in your life. Bold declarations are important. And they're powerful.

   We also make smaller declarations. You may not even realize you're doing it. The voice that we have in our mind, in this real estate between our ears, makes declarations throughout the day. Sometimes those aren't ones that we want to form our lives around. Sometimes our minds give bold declarations of 'I'm not enough,' or 'I can't do this,' or 'I'm so stupid,' or all kinds of other things. Friends, that's not a way to shape your life. Those aren't the foundations that you want to build on in your life. Take some time and listen to the declarations that your mind is making about yourself. If those are not declarations you want to build a life on, change the script.

   Make every day your Independence Day by freeing yourself from the prisons you've created with your limiting thoughts. Declare who you are going to be and how you are going to build your life. Make this the day that you make that choice to be free from all of those things that you tell yourself that don't serve you and don't serve your your family or your loved ones. Those people that you hold us most important in your life - they aren't served by you being small. Make today your independence day from all of those thoughts and choose today as an independent person to make bold and powerful declarations about yourself. 

   Make healthy declarations about yourself: I am a person who forgives. I I am a person who releases grudges. I am a person who is kind. I am a person who listens. I am a person who serves. I am a person who chooses peace. I'm a person who takes time to understand. I'm a person who loves.

   We can make bold declarations about ourselves. We can be people who prioritize our spiritual lives, we can be people who prioritize our physical health. We can make bold declarations about ourselves, and then make it a habit. Write a note if you have to, or write out an affirmation to make these declarations throughout your day so that they become a habit. They will become hardwired into your mind and into the choices you make for your life.

   You are free to choose those foundations upon which you are going to build and what you're going to pass on to other loved ones in your life into the generations that come after you. Be free of the negative things and choose, as you're independently inclined to be, to make a bold declaration of the person you want to be in this world. I think this is going to be huge for you. I think this could make positive changes in your life. And if you want any support along the way, reach out to me. I would love to help you and support you as you craft these statements about yourself. I would love to help you write affirmations and I would help to love to help identify some of the great things about you. Contact me here for a call to boldly declare the future you want.

Your Partner In Spiritual Health,


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